Domů Štítky Muži

štítek: muži

Greer, Germaine: The Female Eunuch

Five years ago it seemed clear that emancipation had failed: the number of women in Parliament had settled at a low level; the number...
12 pravidel

Peterson, Jordan B.: 12 pravidel pro život

V Mapách významu jsem přišel s myšlenkou, že dávné mýty a náboženské příběhy, zejména ty, které vzešly z rané orální tradice, jsou morální ve smyslu preskriptivním,...
The House of Unexpected Sisters

McCall Smith, Alexander: The House of Unexpected Sisters

One day, of course, these differences between men and women would disappear – there were signs of that beginning to happen already – but she did...
Testosterone Rex

Cordelia Fine: Testosterone Rex

When a baby’s born, their sex is usually the first thing we want to know about them, and the last demographic information you’re ever likely to...
The Full Cupboard of Life

McCall Smith, Alexander: The Full Cupboard of Life

‘You are right,’ she said. ‘I am a very engaged lady. I have been waiting for a long time. But you cannot push men around. They...
In The Company Of Cheerful Ladies

McCall Smith, Alexander: In The Company Of Cheerful Ladies

‘We are all human,’ she would say. ‘Men particularly. You must not be ashamed.’
Morality for Beautiful Girls

McCall Smith, Alexander: Morality for Beautiful Girls

She had realised that the best test of a prospective husband involves no more than the asking of a very simple question, which every woman –...
The Kalahari Typing School for Men

McCall Smith, Alexander: The Kalahari Typing School for Men

Unfairness seemed to be an inescapable feature of life, at least if you were Mma Makutsi from Bobonong in Northern Botswana, daughter of a man whose...
The Moral Animal Cover

Robert Wright: The Moral Animal

But it has taken only around 5,000 generations to turn a wolf into a chihuahua — and, at the same time, along a separate...
Caitlin Moranová Jak být ženou

Caitlin Moranová: Jak být ženou

„Je důležité dívat se na svět jako na „partu lidí“. Představa, že když se to vezme kolem a kolem, jsme jen banda dobromyslných kámošů,...

O smyslu života

The man who dies with the most toys wins. Chlap, který umře s největším množstvím hraček, vyhrává. Nikdy jsem nebyl velkej fanda na citáty a předbalený moudra, ale...

Milan Kundera: Nesmrtelnost

Když se ukáže, že Paul léta tajil žaludeční vředy "I když byl Paul pravděpodobně nadprůměrně ješitný, přece, říkala si Agnes, jeho postoj odhaluje rozdíl mezi...