Domů Štítky Afrika

štítek: Afrika

The Forest People

Turnbull, Colin: The Forest People

It seemed that the girl was very ill with dysentery but was not yet dead. The Pygmies express various degrees of illness by saying...
Humans: from the beginning

Seddon, Christopher: Humans

At the present time, we are living in a warm interglacial period: MIS 1. This was preceded by the glacial MIS 2, which lasted from 24,000...
The House of Unexpected Sisters

McCall Smith, Alexander: The House of Unexpected Sisters

One day, of course, these differences between men and women would disappear – there were signs of that beginning to happen already – but she did...
Africka zima

Šebek, Tomáš: Africká zima

Jo, a přestal jsem ke kritickým pacientům běhat. Pacient, který má umřít, umře tak jako tak. Lékař s tím nic neudělá. Na přeživšího pacienta...
Prisoners of Geography

Marshall, Tim: Prisoners of Geography

Take, for example, China and India: two massive countries with huge populations that share a very long border but are not politically or culturally aligned. It...
The Full Cupboard of Life

McCall Smith, Alexander: The Full Cupboard of Life

‘You are right,’ she said. ‘I am a very engaged lady. I have been waiting for a long time. But you cannot push men around. They...
Vrtulník kabina

Zambie a Botswana 2017

Letos jsme si řekli, že už se konečně musíme podívat do černé Afriky. Jednak z ní kdysi vyšlo lidstvo, takže by nebylo od věci,...
Morality for Beautiful Girls

McCall Smith, Alexander: Morality for Beautiful Girls

She had realised that the best test of a prospective husband involves no more than the asking of a very simple question, which every woman –...
The Kalahari Typing School for Men

McCall Smith, Alexander: The Kalahari Typing School for Men

Unfairness seemed to be an inescapable feature of life, at least if you were Mma Makutsi from Bobonong in Northern Botswana, daughter of a man whose...
Tears of the Giraffe

Alexander McCall Smith: Tears of the Giraffe

‘ God will provide,’ said Mma Potokwane calmly. ‘He will send us a new engine one day.’ ‘Maybe,’ said Mr J. L. B....
The No 1 Ladies Detective Agency

Alexander McCall Smith: The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency

I said to him that Zululand sounded fine, but that every man has a map in his heart of his own country and that the heart...
Poisonwood Bible

Barbara Kingsolver: Poisonwood Bible

Father feels makeup and nail polish are warning signals of prostitution, the same as pierced ears. Father surveyed our despair as if he’d expected it all along,...

Dubaj a Afrika 2017

Minulý týden jsme podnikli cestu k Viktoriiným vodopádům v Zambii. Jeli jsme přes Dubaj a navštívili jsme i Botswanu a Zimbabwe. Zatím se prosím...
Blood River

Tim Butcher: Blood River

For me the Congo stands as a totem for the failed continent of Africa. It has more potential than any other African nation, more diamonds, more...