Kolbert, Elizabeth: The Sixth Extinction

If there is danger in the human trajectory, it is not so much in the survival of our own species as in the fulfillment...
Deer Hunting with Jeasus

Bageant, Joe: Deer Hunting with Jesus

When the middle-class citizens of Winchester or of the new suburbs of America—the 20 percent or so of Americans whose lives most closely resemble...
Life on Earth

Attenborough, David: Life on Earth

Using this method we can estimate that the Last Universal Common Ancestor of all life on earth – commonly known as LUCA, and basically...

Greer, Germaine: The Female Eunuch

Five years ago it seemed clear that emancipation had failed: the number of women in Parliament had settled at a low level; the number...

Barrett, Lisa Feldman: Seven And A Half Lessons About The Brain

Why did a brain like yours evolve? That question is not answerable because evolution does not act with purpose—​there is no “why.” But we...

Mounk, Yascha: The People vs. Democracy

But once a country was both affluent and democratic, it proved incredibly stable. Argentina had experienced a military coup in 1975, when its gross...
Emil Hakl Hovezi kostky

Hakl, Emil: Hovězí kostky

"Trvalo dost dlouho, než mi došlo, že jsou jenom dva druhy lidí – chudý a bohatý. Chudý jsou lidštější, ale nudný – furt melou...

Dorff, PhD, Rabbi Elliot N.: The Jewish Approach to Repairing the World

Tikkun olam—repairing the world. Quite a task! Yet this is precisely the goal that the Jewish tradition sets for our lives. This gives us...
Catch The Jew!

Tenenbom, Tuvia: Catch The Jew!

I again need religious people to offer me a break from the heady, humorless secular high class. ========== Here’s an item called Shikshukit. What is it?...
Islam the West

Ramadan, Tariq: Islam, the West and the Challenges of Modernity

“Our problem is one of spirituality. If a man comes to speak to me about the reforms to be undertaken in the Muslim world, about political...
The Moral Animal Cover

Robert Wright: The Moral Animal

But it has taken only around 5,000 generations to turn a wolf into a chihuahua — and, at the same time, along a separate...

Antonelli, Alexandre: The Hidden Universe

As a consequence, species are now probably disappearing faster than any time in human history. On every island, every continent, every coral reef, a...

Perry, Imani: South to America

Or Dolly Parton, an honest-to-God multimillionaire who grew up a poor mountain woman. She says, “It takes a lot of money to look this...

Brandreth, Gyles D.: Elizabeth

The Prince once asked me, ‘How on earth did Shakespeare manage it? I am Prince of Wales. Shakespeare wasn’t, but he knew exactly what...